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The Woodlands Chapter

The Woodlands, Texas

Meeting Information:

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at the South County Community Center located at 2235 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX, in Room 107 (next to the South Regional Library).


Meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. (free stitching and conversation). Formal meeting begins at 10:30 followed by program. We can stitch until 3:00 p.m. So, don’t forget to bring your lunch. Our room has a window but bring your lamp to be on the safe side.  New, prospective members are welcome to attend two meeting before joining the chapter.


Membership includes monthly educational meetings, bimonthly chapter newsletter, and a subscription to the EGA magazine, Needle Arts. Membership is open to any individual regardless of stitching proficiency, upon completing this application and payment of dues. 

Annual chapter dues are: $60.00

Plural (live within Region) dues are: $16.00 

Out of SCR Region dues are: $21.00



Name: __________________________________ EGA #: _____________

Address: ____________________________________________________


City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________

Birthday (mo/day): _____________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________________________________________

Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________

Contact Information:

Treasurer / Membership: Cathy Reinburg at 5727 Rocky Brook Drive, Kingwood, Texas 77345.

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