Classroom Etiquette
ALWAYS WEAR YOUR NAME TAG. This helps the teacher identify you by name.
BE ON TIME. Arrive early enough to set up and be ready when class starts. This includes returning from breaks or lunch on time. Notify the teacher and the class angel if you will be late or must leave class early.
LISTEN TO THE TEACHER. If you don’t understand, or need help, ask for help from the teacher, not your stitching neighbor.
ASK QUESTIONS…BUT, remember this is a group project. Do not monopolize the teacher’s time or discuss unrelated personal needlework projects.
KEEP CONVERSATION TO A MINIMUM. Lots of talking is distracting to the teacher and classmates.
RESPECT COPYRIGHT LAWS. Workshop directions are not to be copied or taught without written permission from the teacher.
NO SMOKING, FOOD OR DRINK is allowed in the work or display areas. Don’t touch other’s needlework unless invited to do so and then only if your hands are clean.
NO PERFUME or strong-smelling lotion. Many people are allergic.
DO NOT VISIT OTHER CLASSROOMS during the class period. Such visits are disruptive to the teacher and to the students.
NO EXTENSION CORDS ALLOWED. All student electronics, including task lights, used in the classrooms must be battery operated.
CELL PHONES should be turned off or set to silent or vibrate. If you must take a phone call while in class, exit the classroom before starting your conversation.